Mud Jeans: Jeans for you and the planet


Mud jeans

Company type




Business model

Create value from waste

Circular principle

Pursue efficient use of materials


Jeans are one of the most polluting items in fashion. Using 7.000 litres of water and nasty chemicals. With over 200.000 million jeans being sold yearly, the impact of recycling jeans and using organic cotton can be huge.



Mud Jean is the world’s first circular denim brand. By applying the principles of the circular economy the company is reducing its  environmental footprint.

MUD has turned the ‘make, buy, wear, bin’ fashion model on its head. Customers rent the jeans and return them to MUD when the denim is worn out. MUD can then repair the jeans or recycle them – they’re not burnt or tossed into landfill.  MUD also uses renewable energy and innovative technology to clean up the toxic production process widely used in denim manufacture.



Value creation and delivery

Jeans are made from natural materials; organic and recycled cotton. No pesticides are being used,

Every pair of MUD Jeans is recycled into a new MUD Jeans, leaving no waste and using 92% less water than an average jeans.

MUD lease jeans made from 40% recycled denim and 60% organic cotton for a monthly fee. Free repairs are included during the leasing period.

After leasing for a year, you have three options:

  1. Swap your jeans for a new pair and continue leasing for another year.
  2. Keep the jeans and wear them for as long as you like – you can send them back at any time for recycling.
  3. End the relationship and send the jeans to MUD to get a voucher for a new purchase.

If the jeans are in good condition, they’re cleaned, repaired if necessary, and sold as vintage pieces. As MUD is quick to point out, while competitors spend time, money, and energy creating a ‘vintage’ look for their products, returned jeans have developed this style naturally. Jeans beyond repair are returned to the denim manufacturer to be recycled and put back into the system.

Value capture

MUD’s business model doesn’t just help the environment.

They work with their manufacturers to ensure:

  • workers get fair wages
  • workers and local people are protected from harmful substances
  • an equal working environment for women and men



Mud jeans website


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