Building a circular economy approach for temporary constructions and the event industry through the creation of advanced technological solutions.
The Paris Pilot will develop a circular protocol, a digital platform and a smart storage facilities for reused materials. It will establish a CE tracking label for materials, a CE certification for events and temporary architectures and will also develop a specific incubation program to support the establishment of new business cases.
The Pilot aims to understand and help the market of temporary construction in shifting to a more circular model with a strong focus on the digitalisation of the circular economy approach.
The Parisian consortium aims to develop an active lobbying activity towards the European institutions and other relevant stakeholders to upgrade waste regulations.
The Paris Pilot will create a use and reuse system for wood materials used in events and temporary structures. This will be done through involving designers, event planners, site managers and waste management companies in the process. The Pilot will also create a “tracking label” for materials and furniture, and for the re-use status of materials.
This Pilot is coordinated by Fab City Grand Paris, if you want to get involved, please contact them.