REFLOW E-Learning Course #3: Circular Business Model Innovation for Regenerative Cities
29 April 2022
This E-learning course is part of the open source REFLOW Ecourse collection which is built upon the learnings from activities and actions taking place in the pilot cities of the REFLOW project.
Course Objectives
The 5-parts course offers an introduction to business models, defining the concept and its key elements. It introduces the concept of sustainable business models, showing the main differences and archetypes existing in this field. As Circular Business Models are a subset of sustainable business models, learners will learn how to categorise circular business models based on their value creation dynamics. The course also provides a process and a set of tools to design circular business models from a top down perspective, starting from cities needs, as well as from a bottom-up perspective, looking at how existing businesses and start-ups can create new value propositions aiming at circular impact.
- Lesson 1 provides basic knowledge around the concept of business model.
- Lesson 2 introduces sustainable business models and its various archetypes.
- Lesson 3 deep dives into circular business models and its value creation mechanisms.
- Lesson 4 introduces a process to define circular value propositions starting from city challenges.
- Lesson 5 details a step by step process to design circular business models using a portfolio of circular design tools.
Target group
City representatives in charge of business support, Business owners, Incubators, start-ups.
Intermediate level
Register for free and access the course on the REFLOW Academy