Harnessing renewable energy in the form of waste-heat, reusing water from the built environment for reuse in different contexts.
Waste heat is a renewable energy source which is not utilised to its full potential. The Berlin Pilot will re-channel waste heat from the built environment into the urban metabolic system, and couple it efficiently with complimentary water sources to reuse in different contexts.
The Berlin Pilot will create a waste-heat database that reflects its potential to citizens, public institutions and companies. This will be a co-created initiative which is launched at the neighbourhood scale.
Waste Heat is aiming to represent Berlin as the European pioneer for data-driven usage and recycling of waste heat.
The Berlin Pilot aims to explore how to reuse water in the form of waste-heat from industrial processes in the urban metabolism system. This will be done by mapping waste heat water data and the potential for productive activities (e.g. urban farming), developing a neighbourhood urban production hub, and creating a sustainable business model.
This Pilot is coordinated by Agile Heap, if you want to get involved, please contact them.